Monday, February 25, 2013

We made it! Part 2

Move number two is on the books, folks! We are currently residing in Fort Bragg, North Carolina for the next five weeks.

The actual moving part was easier this time around, and I can only imagine how streamlined my/our process will be by the time we do move number 9 (yikes!). The leaving a wonderful experience and lovely people part was, as to be expected, not as pleasant. I have found myself missing Fort Hood a little bit... Mostly the warm sunshine (it averaged in the 70's when we were there... Today was overcast and in the 40's/50's at Fort Bragg) and people. However, I never thought there would be anything to miss about "The Great Place" for the first few days we were there, so I'll just tough it out until I can find the bright spots in Fort Bragg (unique moniker still unknown).

All I can say right now is that this place is definitely different from Fort Hood, in good and not-so-good ways.

Exchange here- better
Commissary here- better
Class six* here-better
'Commute' here- worse
Lodging here- worse

*For those of you unfamiliar with a 'class six' on an Army base, it is where you go to buy booze, or in my case, a bottle of wine. The selection was not stellar, but definitely superior to the offerings at Fort Hood (read here for more info). A nice glass of chardonnay can fix a multitude of things, if you ask me.

I'll post some pictures and more about our travels between TX and NC tomorrow after we're slightly more settled.

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything is ok, was enjoying reading your blog and hope you get a chance to write again!
