Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We became smoothie fanatics about seven months ago (or whenever we purchased the blender that changed our lives). No, this is not a post about a Vitamix or a Blendtec, but I really wish it was!

The blender that has changed our lives is a little Cuisinart, and with a little coaxing, it gets the job done just fine. 'The job' being the smoothies I make for my husband nearly every morning.

This morning I made the first batch of smoothies our little motel room on Fort Hood has ever seen. (I'm pretty sure it was in a state of shock... Greasy fast-food is more of the norm in these parts).

My recipe varies daily, based upon the frozen fruit we have, but the idea is consistent. All smoothies contain:

1 1/2- 2 Cups frozen fruit (today was blueberries and peaches)
Orange Juice
Milk (I like to use almond or coconut milk when I have it, but today I just had skim)
2 Tbs Cacao nibs (raw chocolate with lots of health benefits you can read about here)
1 scoop Protein Powder (this is a recent addition)

My smaller portion :)

The OJ and milk content varies depending on what kind of fruit you're blending up. I typically end up adding liquids to my blender several times (alternating milk and juice) before everything will process together smoothly. This is because I want to make it as thick (and frozen) as possible so that it will stay cold all morning in a double walled travel mug. The one my husband uses is technically a water bottle, but it works much better than the travel coffee mug he used to have.

My med student husband swears by having a smoothie on hand to get him through the morning. He isn't a coffee or caffeine person, so the extra calories and natural sugars are a little pick me up when the nights of less than desirable amounts of sleep begin to catch up with him.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you reminded me of the simplicity of smoothies!! I go on a smoothie kick about once a year and have forgotten how much I like them. My favorite: almond milk, almond butter, spinach, banana, cinnamon.... it gets gross if you add any berries to it, just fyi.
