Sunday, January 27, 2013


Today has been a big day for us in Texas!

First of all, thank you to everyone who has been reading about my (mis)adventures.  My blog reached 1000 page views today! I can't believe how many of y'all take time out of your days to follow along. Thank you so much for your support :)

Secondly, my husband texted me earlier today (he volunteered to work in the hospital from 6 am until 5ish) that he performed his first circumcision! I'm very sorry if this is too much information for some of y'all, but it is the first procedure he has ever done on a real patient!  It's kind of a big deal for a medical student (and their obnoxiously supportive spouse).

Hopefully he will be 'home' soon to give me the play-by-play.  Yes, our dinner conversation can be a little much for most people... I'll spare y'all the details :)


  1. egads.....I will try to not to ask too many questions until next Saturday Gchat! I always said he had good fine motor was in reference to how well he played thought he would be testing them out someday on a newborns circumcision....

    1. lol... he was hardly 'testing them out'!! He knew what he was doing ;)
